What is Website Development?
Website Development or Web Development is the process of building, developing and maintaining a website and hosting it on the internet or intranet. It is a bunch of different tasks which includes: web designing, web programming, web content development, client-side/server-side scripting, network security configuration, search engine optimization and e-commerce development.
Web Developers write codes and markups to do this process and it requires the knowledge of certain languages like javascript, html, dhtml etc. in which a website is written. But writing of codes and markups is a background process and a website's appearance, speed and performance depends on the quality of these codes.
Applications and components of website development:
If you are looking for a website development then you must know about the criteria, applications and the components of a website development. Website Development has got a broad range from creating a plain text page to complex web-based applications, electronic businesses, social network and marketing services. Basically web development is programming or code writing which is used to customize a website as per the requirement of services which are provided by the owner.
The internet is a great source to reach out to the people and show off any type of information and services all around the world. People from all around the world are able to use the internet from any place.
Many small companies or large organisations look forward towards reaching out to people all around the world and running their businesses with the help of this platform. This helps to make them more profit as e-commerce is one of the best ways to do business in the modern age. A website helps a business or organisation to describe and show off the product and services that are being provided by the company.
While on the one hand, only one or two developers may be sufficient for the smaller organizations, this figure can be hundreds for the larger organizations and businesses.
Components of website development:
Website development can generally be divided into two parts as per the specialization of the developer who is able to manage different components of the website:
Front-end development:
In the one word a front end development refers to the website designing. Page layout, design and content organization is done by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This is the part where visual aspects and animations are managed by the front-end developer.
Back-end development:
Back end development is the part where the engineers manage the data stored and uploaded on the website. This takes care of the website server on which the speed of the website is depended. So this is the backbone of the front-end.
With AK Customized Business Solutions:
As it requires different skills to build and develop a website. AK Customized Business Solutions has a team of highly skilled web developers. We serve our customers as per their requirement. Our highly skilled team of developers can make a website for your business which looks attractive, works flawlessly and faster. Our team makes your content more effective by organizing and managing it in a perfect way that will be convenient to understand for the users and appear attractive as well.