Web Hosting Service and its classification:
In order to make a website accessible and upload it on the internet, an individual or company needs to have their own server and computers where all the data can be stored. As it will require extra budget to own a server and not all the organization can afford this.
A web hosting service is a service that allows individuals and organisations to upload their website on the internet and make it accessible via world wide web. Web hosting service providers allow individuals and companies to access their server and computer (with charges) to store their website's data so they don't have to own a server. There are many servers that can host multiple websites and also there are many websites with high amounts of traffic that need several computers to host one site.
Smaller hosting services:
Smaller hosting services refers to the small scale file hosting where files can be uploaded via file transfer protocol (FTP) or web interface. This service is adequate for uploading the personal web pages. Smaller web hosting service does not require any particular computer to store data so this is an inexpensive service and offers limited services as well.
Smaller hosting service is not sufficient for the business and commercial websites as they need to store high size data and different types of services.
Larger hosting services:
Many e-commerce companies and organisations have high data to store and need to be permanently connected on the internet so they can provide the details of their services and products for online business. These companies and organisations need a web hosting service provider who makes their website accessible on the internet by their server and stores all the data as well.
AK provides you the best:
AK Customized Business Solutions is the best web hosting service provider. We serve you better in every way and provide you more than just web hosting services. We give you:
Fast servers:
Our servers are very fast and give you frictionless experience for your website. As it runs in no time and does not require more time to upload your data and files.
Your data is fully secured on our servers as we follow high security protocols and our servers' network is unbreachable.
Unlimited storage:
We provide you unlimited storage so you can upload as much data as you want without any concern.
24/7 Support:
We provide you 24/7 support to give you a flawless service. Whenever you need help regarding any issue and for troubleshooting, our team is always up and ready to help you.
AK provides you with the best hosting services as per your needs. We ensure to give a frictionless experience to our clients' business so they can effectively focus their time and efforts on their business, in this way they can be more productive towards their business and can make more profit. All our services are available to you at affordable price points.